3 Ways To Prove You Were Wrongfully Fired For Reporting Safety Concerns At Your Workplace

Posted on: 17 July 2015

When the environment you work in is not safe, you have the legal right to stop working until the conditions are fixed. If you did this and were fired shortly afterwards, you might be able to fight this. Employers are not allowed to hold things like this against employees; however, you will have to prove that you were fired because you voiced your concerns about workplace safety. Here are three ways you might be able to prove this.
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3 Tips for Creating and Executing Your Will

Posted on: 1 July 2015

When you want to ensure that your affairs are handled after you die in a way that protects and provides for your family, it is vitally important that you put together a quality will. This will is the last representation of your wishes. With this in mind, take full advantage of the tips laid out below so that you are able to keep your affairs in order while reducing the workload of your surviving family.
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How Your Social Media Account Could Hurt Your ICBC Claim

Posted on: 8 June 2015

If you are currently working on an ICBC claim, you should be prepared for all of the defense tactics that the lawyers who work for ICBC will be using against you. For example, one thing that you might not realize is that these lawyers and representatives could check all of your social media profiles for evidence to use against you in your claim. These are a few of the ways that social media can get in the way of your ICBC claim, so it's important to do what you can to keep your profile clean.
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How Amount Of Your Personal Injury Case Is Determined By The Damages

Posted on: 15 May 2015

Are you considering filing a lawsuit because you have been injured in a car accident, slip and fall or other type of accident that resulted from the negligence of someone else? If so, one of the most common questions people ask their lawyer is what their case is worth. The answer to your question basically depends on the damages—what the injuries have cost you mentally, physically and/or monetarily. Although your lawyer can provide you with an idea of what to expect up front, it will be beneficial to understand what the various kinds of damages that are common in personal injury cases.
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